Government of India has increasingly been entrusting the responsibility for delivery of key services like education, health, employment etc. at local level especially at PRIs and funds are being provided directly to districts by GOI. Responding to this devolution of finances to districts for an integral local area development a Performance Audit of Nagaon district was carried out to assess the status and impact of implementation of various Socio-economic development activities in the District during 2006-11 and to evaluate whether the quality of life of the people has improved. This audit covered the developmental activities and associated expenditure in the District in respect of Social and Economic Sector schemes, provision of basic civic amenities, use of Information Technology to provide better public services and focused on the role and responsibilities of DC in providing the essential public services and improving the quality of life of the people. Audit scrutiny of social sector schemes brought out the successful efforts of the District Administration in improving the basic infrastructure in both Health and Education. Improvement in coverage of supply of drinking water during 2006-11 was also noticed. However, there are quite a few areas where the district administration needs to focus its attention.
Scrutiny of Financial management revealed that the funds remained unutilised and parked in banks at district as well as in lower level as works under different schemes could not be completed for want of land acquisition, slow progress of works by contractors/executing agencies, lack of monitoring and supervision. Besides lack of financial control resulted in non accountal of funds, loss due to cut imposed by GOI, excess payment and inadmissible expenditure.
The District Planning and Monitoring Committee though formed in August 2004 had not prepared any Perspective Plans and Integrated Plan for overall development of the District. As a result gaps in various development activities remained unidentified and needs of weaker section of the society could not be addressed to. Community Participation in planning process was not ensured.
Identification of gaps in the health care infrastructure, non availability of stipulated facilities and absence of skilled manpower etc. were not assessed to make proper planning followed by implementation. Thus, the aim of providing accessible and affordable health care facilities to the people was yet to be achieved in the District. However, improvements were noticed in reducing infant mortality rate, maternal mortality rate and total fertility rate, increasing institutional deliveries of child, immunisation of child population and eradication of leprosy.