The Audit Report contains significant findings of audit of State Public Sector Undertakings (SPSU) in Assam for the year ended 31 March 2017. The instances mentioned in this Report are those, which came to notice in the course of test audit during the period 2016-17 as well as those which came to notice in earlier years but could not be reported in the previous Audit Reports; instances relating to the period subsequent to 2016-17 have also been included, wherever necessary.
The Report contains an overview on the functioning of SPSUs, a performance audit on implementation of Restructured-Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Programme component in Assam under Integrated Power Development Scheme by Assam Power Distribution Company Limited and nine Compliance audit paragraphs relating to undue favour to contractors, violation of Statutory regulations, loss of revenue, lapses in internal control etc.
As on 31 March 2017, the State had 49 SPSUs, which registered a turnover of ` 5,608.72 crore but incurred an overall loss of ` 279.72 crore for 2016-17, as per their latest finalised accounts as on 30 September 2017. This turnover was equal to 2.18 per cent of State Gross Domestic Product.