Indian Audit & Accounts Department
Page 4 of 4, showing 9 records out of 39 total
This Report on the Finances of the Government of Chhattisgarh is being brought out with a view to assess objectively the financial performance of the State during 2010-11 and to provide the State Government and State Legislature with timely inputs...
Minerals are valuable natural resources. Being finite and non-renewable, their exploitation is guided by long term national goals and perspectives. Mineral exploration and development is closely linked with the development of the economy and...
This Report comprises four Chapters which include five performance audits, a Chief Controlling Officer (CCO) based audit of the Agriculture Department and 24 paragraphs (including three thematic paragraphs) on audit of financial transactions of...
In response to the Twelfth Finance Commission's recommendations, the Chhattisgarh Government enacted its Fiscal Responsibilities and Budget Management (FRBM) Act, entitled the Chhattisgarh Fiscal Responsibility Act, 2005, with a view to ensure...
This Report contains 19 paragraphs including two reviews relating to underassessment/short levy/loss of revenue etc. involving Rs. 99.21 crore. Some of the major findings are mentioned below. The total receipts of the State during the year 2009-10...
This Report comprises four Chapters which include four performance audits,an integrated audit of the Commerce and Industries Department and 19 paragraphs on audit of financial transactions of various Government departments. Government Companies and...
This report contains 22 paragraphs including three reviews relating to underassessment/short levy/loss of revenue etc. involving Rs. 486.08 crore. Some of the major findings are mentioned below. The total receipts of the State during the year...
This Report comprises four Chapters which include four performance audits, a review of internal controls in the Water Resources Department and 18 paragraphs on audit of financial transactions of various Government Departments, Government Companies...