In response to the Twelfth Finance Commission's recommendations, the Gujarat Government enacted its Fiscal Responsibilities and Budget Management (FRBM) Act, entitled the Gujarat Fiscal Responsibility Act, 2005 with a view to ensure prudence in fiscal management and fiscal stability by progressive elimination of revenue deficit, sustainable debt management consistent with fiscal stability, greater transparency in fiscal operations of the Government and conduct of fiscal policy in a medium term fiscal framework. The State Government's commitment to carry forward these reforms is largely reflected in the policy initiatives announced in its subsequent budgets. The benefits of FRBM legislation have been realised to a great extent already, in terms of reduction in major deficit indicators.
The State Government has done well in establishing an institutional mechanism on fiscal transparency and accountability as evident from the year-on-year presentation of outcome budgets. These outcome indicators tend to serve the limited purpose of measuring the department-wise performances against the targets. They do not, however, give the big picture of the status of financial management including debt position, off-budget liabilities, cash management etc. for the benefit of the State Legislature and other stakeholders.
Based on the audited accounts of the Government of Gujarat for the year nding March 2010, this Report provides an analytical review of the Annual Accounts of the State Government. The Report is structured in three Chapters.
Chapter 1 is based on the audit of Finance Accounts and makes an assessment of the Government's fiscal position as at 31 March 2010. It provides an insight into trends of committed expenditure and borrowing pattern, besides giving a brief account of Central funds transferred directly to State implementing agencies through the off-budget route.
Chapter 2 is based on audit of Appropriation Accounts and gives a grant-wise description of appropriations and the manner in which the allocated resources were managed by the service delivery departments.
Chapter 3 is an inventory of the Government's compliance with various reporting requirements and financial rules. The Report also has additional data collated from several sources in support of the findings.