This Report contains three chapters containing three Performance Audits, nine paragraphs based on audit of certain selected programmes, schemes, activities and transactions of the Government and one Chief Controlling Officer based Audit.
The audit has been conducted in accordance with the Auditing Standards prescribed for the Indian Audit and Accounts Department. The specific audit methodology adopted for audit of programmes and schemes has been mentioned in the Performance Audits. The audit conclusions drawn and the recommendations have been made taking into consideration the views of the Government, wherever received.
The Performance Audit was undertaken to ascertain whether -
Inventory of water sources has been prepared and whether the overall status of quality of water in rivers, lakes and groundwater has been adequately assessed;
Risks of polluted water to health of living organisms and impact on environment have been adequately addressed;
Adequate policies, legislations and programmes have been formulated;
Programmes for pollution prevention, treatment and restoration of polluted water in rivers, lakes and ground water have been planned, implemented and monitored; and
Programmes for the control of pollution had succeeded in reducing pollution levels in ground/surface water.