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CAG of India-Chair of the UN Panel of External Auditors (2020 & 2021)
CAG of India is the Chair of the UN Panel of External Auditors since the year 2020. In the past also, CAG has been Panel Chair from December 2011 to December 2013 and was the Vice- Chair in 2019.
The United Nations General Assembly in 1959 established the Panel of External Auditors of the United Nations, the Specialized Agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency, comprising the individual external auditors of the United Nations system, who are also Heads of Supreme Audit Institutions. Panel Members share experiences and methodologies on an on-going basis so as to ensure as far as possible uniformity of external audit practices throughout the United Nations system.
Panel Members provide independent assurance to Member States and other stakeholders in relation to the proper use of the Organizations’ resources as well as their economic, efficient and effective use. They also play a significant role in assisting the Organizations to improve their operations and their internal control activities. The findings and recommendations of Panel Members are taken seriously, and the status of recommendations is closely monitored to ensure timely and effective implementation. In this way, Panel Members contribute significantly to the fulfilment of the Charter of the United Nations.
Website of UN Panel of External Auditors is: https://www.un.org/en/auditors/panel/