GPF Information
- Eligibility to Join The Fund
- GPF Subscription
- New Allotment Cases
- Advances
- Withdrawals
- Final Closure
Annual Statement of Accounts
- Status of GPF Final Payment Settlement
- Status of GPF NRA Settlement
- Forwarding of Application
- GPF FP Authority
- Ledger Card
- Adjustment of Missing Credits
- Applications
- Provident Fund Balance
- GPF Calculation
- Full Want / Part Want / Unposted Report
Information for Subscriber/DDO
- Status of C & AG Complaint Cases
Advances from the Fund :
Temporary advance may be granted to a subscriber from the amount standing to his / her credit in the Fund at the discretion of the appropriate authority, to meet the expenditure as listed in the Rulebook.;
Conditions for sanction
- There should be a sanction order in writing by an authority specified in the 5th schedule of the Rules.
- The temporary advance should not, except for special reasons, exceed 50% of the balance standing at his credit.
- The 2nd advance can be sanctioned only after 6 months from the date of drawl of the first advance, and this fact should be certified in the sanction order.
Recovery of advances
- The advances shall be recovered from the subscriber in such number of equal monthly instalments as the sanctioning authority may direct, but such number shall not be less than 12, unless the subscriber so elects, or more than 24 / 36.
- When there is an advance running, it should be consolidated when a second advance is sanctioned and the subsequent instalments for recovery of advances shall be fixed with reference to the consolidated amount. No interest shall be charged on the temporary advances.
- As per Rule 9 read with Note below Rule 15(1) of TN GPF Rules, there shall be no recovery of subscription / Refund towards GPF during last four months of service. Therefore, authorities competent to grant advances shall fix the number of in settlements for recovery not exceeding the limit of 36 months, so as to recover the advance completely prior to four months of the date of retirement on superannuation.