Land is a premium asset and an important resource which contributes significantly to the economy of the State. Government lands not required for immediate use are given on lease to various individuals/institutions for various purposes such as residential, industrial, commercial and others. The leased lands also enable the Government to augment their revenue by levy of lease
rent, premium/uneamed income for change in use of the leased lands, development charges, transfer charges, The Government leases the land for various purposes such as agricultural, residential, industrial, commercial, social, etc.
In Maharashtra the land is allotted through the Collectors and development agencies such as Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM), Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC), Maharashtra Housing and Area Development Authority (MHADA) and Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) dealing with Government land. Government land is granted either on lease basis or on occupancy price. Major findings during the course of Performance Audit on the lands leased by the Collectors and other development agencies are as follows:
The data on leased land was not complete in the Collectorates.
There was no uniformity in the procedures for allotment of land among the Collectorates and the development agencies.
There was lack of transparency in grant of land on lease as publicity through advertisement in newspapers, etc., was not resorted to.