The Report contains significant results of the performance audit and compliance audit of the Departments of the Government of Uttar Pradesh under the Revenue Sector including Commercial Tax Department, State Excise Department, Transport Department, Stamps and Registration Department, Entertainment Tax Department and Geology and Mining Department. However, Departments relating to Economic, General and Social Services Sectors are excluded and covered in the Report on General and Social and Report on Economic (Non-PSUs) Sector.
The instances mentioned in this Report are those, which came to notice in the course of test audit for the period 2014-15 as well as those which came to notice in earlier years, but could not be reported in the previous Audit Reports; instances relating to the period subsequent to 2014-15 have also been included, wherever necessary.
This Report contains 31 paragraphs including one Performance audit on "System of Assessment under VAT", relating to short/non-levy of tax, duty and interest, penalty etc. involving financial effect of ` 560.72 crore. The Departments/Government have accepted audit observations involving ` 532.41 crore out of which ` 65.12 lakh has been recovered.