GPF Information
- Eligibility to Join The Fund
- GPF Subscription
- New Allotment Cases
- Advances
- Withdrawals
- Final Closure
- Annual Statement of Accounts
Status of GPF Final Payment Settlement
- Status of GPF NRA Settlement
- Forwarding of Application
- GPF FP Authority
- Ledger Card
- Adjustment of Missing Credits
- Applications
- Provident Fund Balance
- GPF Calculation
- Full Want / Part Want / Unposted Report
- Information for Subscriber/DDO
- Status of C & AG Complaint Cases
- Grievance/feedback/complaint
All Government servants other than re-employed persons shall compulsorily join the fund. Temporary and officiating persons shall have to subscribe towards Fund immediately after joining into Govt. service.
Provided that no such servant as has been required or permitted to subscribe to a Contributory Provident Fund shall be eligible to join or continue as a subscriber to the Fund, while he retains his right to subscribe to such a Fund.
Subscription to the Provident Fund Should not be deducted from the pay bills before the allotment of account number.
For obtaining G.P.F. account number application for this purpose in prescribed format should be sent to the Office of the Principal Account General (A&E), Nagaland, Kohima, a few weeks before the completion of one year service.
If delay occurs in obtaining G.P.F. account number from Principal Accountant General (A&E), Nagaland Kohima, arrear subscription is to be deducted. One installment for each month’s arrear subscription is to be deducted along with the present G.P.F. subscription.