GPF Information
- Eligibility to Join The Fund
- GPF Subscription
- Advances
- Withdrawals
- Final Closure
- Annual Statement of Accounts
Status of GPF Final Payment Settlement
- Adjustment of Missing Credits
Provident Fund Balance
- GPF Calculation
Full Want / Part Want / Unposted Report
- Information for Subscriber/DDO
- Status of C & AG Complaint Cases
Final withdrawal of accumulation is permitted
When subscriber quits the service (on retirement, dismissal, resignation, compulsory retirement, removal etc.)
In case of death while in service
How to Apply for Closure?
Application for closure has to be filed in Prescribed Format
The application duly filled in and signed by the subscriber/claimant(s) is to be given to the department for forwarding the same to the Prl. Accountant General along with requisite documents by the Head of Office/ Head of the department as the case may be.
Conditions for Closure
Subscription and refund to be discontinued during the last four months of service in case of superannuation. Arrears of Pay, DA, IR etc. should not be remitted during the above period.
No TA /PFW shall be sanctioned and paid to the subscriber. In exceptional circumstances, where sanction of PFWs is imperative, the same is to be communicated invariably to Prl. Accountant General and acknowledgement obtained.
Final withdrawal of accumulation is permitted
- When subscriber quits the service (on retirement, dismissal, resignation, compulsory retirement, removal etc.)
- In case of death while in service
How to Apply for Closure?
- Application for closure has to be filed in Prescribed Format
- The application duly filled in and signed by the subscriber/claimant(s) is to be given to the department for forwarding the same to the Prl. Accountant General along with requisite documents by the Head of Office/ Head of the department as the case may be.
Conditions for Closure
- Subscription and refund to be discontinued during the last four months of service in case of superannuation. Arrears of Pay, DA, IR etc. should not be remitted during the above period.
- No TA /PFW shall be sanctioned and paid to the subscriber. In exceptional circumstances, where sanction of PFWs is imperative, the same is to be communicated invariably to Prl. Accountant General and acknowledgement obtained.
Manner of Payment
The Accounts Officer in PAG’s Office closes the account after verifying the ledger accounts and issues an authority for payment to the Drawing and Disbursing Officers concerned. In case of death of the subscriber the fund accumulation payable shall be paid to the person(s) on whom the right to receive the amount is conferred by means of a valid nomination. Where there is no nomination, the amount will be paid to the eligible family members in equal share on the basis of Legal Heir Certificate issued by Revenue Authorities.
GPF (AP) Rules do not permit payment of interest beyond the date of authorisation by the Principal Accountant General
Interest is allowed up to the end of the month previous to the month in which authorisation for payment of PF balance is issued. As per G.O. No.3 of Finance and Pension II Department dated 8.1.07, interest is to be allowed up to a maximum of 6 months after the month in which such amount became payable
E.g. Date of retirement 30th June 2010, Amount is payable on 1st Jul 2010. Interest is allowable for a maximum period of 6 months reckoned from August 2010 to January 2011