Chapter-I of this Report covers auditee profile, authority for audit, planning and conducting of audit and responses of the departments to draft paragraphs. Highlights of audit observations included in this Report have also been brought out in this chapter.
Chapter-II deals with the findings of two performance audit of Implementation of Flood Control Measures in Bihar and Major District Roads in Bihar. Chapter-III covers three long paragraphs on Woking of Patna University, Compensatory Afforesation Fund Management and Planning Authority and Acquisition and Allotment of Land for Industrial Purposes in Bihar. Chapter-IV includes comments on the Integrated Audit of Minority Welfare Department. Chapter-V covers Audit of Compliance in various departments, autonomous bodies, local bodies etc. of the State Government for the year ended 31 March 2012.
This Report contains instances of non-compliance with rules involving Rs. 275.76 crore. Audit detected instances of impropriety and excess/wasteful/infructuous expenditure involving Rs. 1249.30 crore. Audit also detected instances of irregular/avoidable/unjustified expenditure involving Rs. 172.53 crore. Audit, however, noticed instances where funds released by Government for creating public assets for the benefit of the community aggregating Rs. 922.23 crore remained unutilised/blocked for six years and/or proved unfruitful/unproductive due to indecisiveness, lack of administrative oversight and lack of concerted action at various levels.