This Report comprises three Chapters: the first Chapter contains the financial profile of the State, planning and conduct of audit and follow-up on Audit Reports. Second Chapter of this Report deals with the findings of five Performance Audit reviews and two Long Paragraphs and third Chapter deals with Compliance Audit in the various Departments. The Audit findings included in the Performance Audits, Long Paragraphs and Compliance Audit paragraphs in this Report have total money value of Rs. 2533.34 crore.
The audit has been conducted in accordance with the Auditing Standards prescribed for the Indian Audit and Accounts Department. Audit samples have been drawn based on statistical sampling as well as risk based judgmental sampling. The specific audit methodology adopted has been mentioned in each Performance Audit. The audit conclusions have been drawn and recommendations have been made taking into consideration the views of the Government. A summary of main audit findings is presented in this overview.