Principal Director (Audit)
Shri Srinivasa Venkatanathan belongs to the 2005 batch of the Indian Audit & Accounts Service. He hails from the State of Tamil Nadu. He holds master’s degrees in science and business administration. Prior to his posting at Washington, he has served as Principal Director (Report Central) in the Office of Comptroller and Auditor General of India, New Delhi and as Principal Director (Defence Services), Chandigarh. At the director-level, he has audited the information technology/digital services, health sector, direct taxes and public works in his postings at Chennai, Prayagraj and New Delhi. He was posted as director in the National Academy of Audit & Accounts at Shimla from 2014 to 2016. He has also been associated in the capacity building initiatives of other SAIs including SAI Tanzania and SAI Bhutan. He has audited the multilateral bodies of the United Nations Organization (including its peace-keeping mission, global service centre and capital works) and the International Atomic Energy Agency. He was the C&AG’s nominee to the Working Group on IT Audit of the International Organization of SAIs from 2022 to 2025. He is an avid tennis player.