GPF Information
- Eligibility to Join The Fund
- GPF Subscription
- New Allotment Cases
- Contact List for redressal of grievances of GPF
- Checklists for GPF Final Payment Cases
- Advances
- Withdrawals
- Final Closure
- Annual Statement of Accounts
- Status of GPF Final Payment Settlement
- Adjustment of Missing Credits
Provident Fund Balance
- Full Want / Part Want / Unposted Report
- Information for Subscriber/DDO
- Form No OTC-80-A is to be used in case of a gazetted officer and it may be countersigned and forwarded by the Head of the Department.
- Form No OTC-80-B is to be used in case of a non-gazetted officer.
- Form No OTC-80-C is to be used in death case.
- GPF A/c No is to be furnished in the prescribed column of the application.
- The nature and date of retirement/quitting of service (whether retired/resigned/invalidated/dismissed/removed) is to be stated in the prescribed column of the application.
- Applicant is to sign in full in the application and complete home address is to be furnished in it with PIN
- Official address of the DDO is to be furnished with PIN.
- Name of the treasury where the Bills of the office are entertained is to be furnished with PIN.
- Last Fund Deduction with month and T.V.No. and date is to be furnished in the prescribed column of the application.
- The temporary/non-refundable withdrawal made during the last 12 months preceding the date of retirement is to be furnished along with T.V.No and date. In case of non-drawal of the same during the said period, the word NIL is to be quoted in the prescribed column of the application,
- The attested copy of the Death Certificate of the late subscriber is to be enclosed with the application.
- The attested copy of the legal heir certificate from the competent authority with age, relationship with the subscriber and marital status is to be furnished.
- Attested copy of the Succession Certificate issued by court is to be furnished in the absence of any family member.
- Attested copy of the Guardianship Certificate issued by court is to be furnished in respect of the minor children in the absence of the natural guardian.
- A declaration of the retiring Government Servant/widow of the deceased regarding recovery of overpayment as per O.C.S. (Pension), Form No. 5-A is to be attached with the application.
- The statement of Non-refundable Advances drawn during the entire service period is to be furnished with T.V. No. and date of drawal.
- Religion of the claimant is to be furnished in the prescribed column of the application in death cases.
- A statement of GPF subscription and refunds for the period of 12 months preceding the date of the retirement/death/quitting service is to be furnished.
The above documents/information are to be furnished to avoid the return of Final payment application causing delay in authorizing final payment.