GPF Information
- Eligibility to Join The Fund
- GPF Subscription
- New Allotment Cases
- Contact List for redressal of grievances of GPF
- Checklists for GPF Final Payment Cases
- Advances
- Withdrawals
- Final Closure
- Annual Statement of Accounts
- Status of GPF Final Payment Settlement
- Adjustment of Missing Credits
Provident Fund Balance
- Full Want / Part Want / Unposted Report
- Information for Subscriber/DDO
Guidelines to DDOs for correct maintenance of GPF.
Full name ( not abbreviation) and correct GPF Account Number along with the suffix may be quoted in the GPF schedules, sanction orders of Advances/withdrawals, Bills drawing money from GPF and other correspondence regarding the GPF.
Schedules with full names and correct account numbers may be printed or cyclostyled legibly and changed periodically to prevent copying error.
The account number may be arranged serially in ascending order in the schedule.
Separate P.F. schedules may be prepared for subscribers holding separate suffixes viz GA(O), Edn{O).
In case of subscriber joining or transfer from some other office, the fact may be mentioned in the remarks column of GPF schedule.
Change of rate of subscription may be recorded in the remarks column of the schedule.
Recovery of advances may be shown in a separate column of the GPF schedule.
When the GPF money deposited in treasury full particulars viz full name, correct account numbers, subscription, refund, total in respect of each subscriber may be maintained in the challan itself.
Copy of the latest GPF account slip and a copy of the sanction order may be attached to the Bill drawing money from GPF.
The account slip issued by Accountant General, Orissa may be checked before handing over to the subscriber. The omission/mistake, if any, may be brought to the notice of A.G., Orissa within three months.
Special care may be taken, if there is any omission in the withdrawal column of the account slip. Failure to bring the missing withdrawal to the notice of Ag may result minus balance in subscribers account at a later date which may cause hardship after retirement.
The final payment application may be obtained well in time before retirement of the subscriber.
Guidelines to the GPF subscribers
Quote the correct account number with proper suffix in all transactions and correspondence in connection with your Provident Fund account.
Ensure that your GPF Account Number is correctly noted in your Service Book. GPF schedules, withdrawal from GPF etc.
Please ensure that all advances and withdrawals are exhibited in the Annual Accounts Statement issued from A.G., Orissa. If there is any omission in the withdrawal column of the account slip, it is the duty of the subscriber to bring the omission to the notice of the Office of the Accountant General(A&E), Orissa immediately. Failure to bring the missing withdrawals to the notice of A.G. may result in minus balance in your Provident Fund account at a later date which may cause hardship after retirement.
Please ensure that all details are correctly brought to the notice of A.G.Office. Special care may please be taken in case where sanctions were issued but amount were not drawn or drawn in any other account number.
Discrepancies, if any, noticed in the Provident Fund account slip, may be addressed to concerned Accounts Officer/Deputy Accountant General (Funds) through the DDO only. Direct correspondence does not help much. Documents certified by DDO only will be accepted as authentic.
Closing Balance shown in the Provident Fund accounts statement is subject to adjustment of missing debits & credits and interest thereon.