- Introduction
- Administration Sections
- Sanctioned Strength & PIP
- List of employees
- Circulars / Office Orders
- R T I Act, 2005
- Books & Manuals
- Office Publication
Transfer policy and Transfer orders
- Board / Committees
- Training
- Deputation
- Rajbhasha
- Policies and Guidelines
- Training Programme (In-house)
- Download form
- Works under the control of the Deputy Accountant General (Administration).
- Admininstration and Control of various sections under Administration Wing.
Telephone No : 033-22138016
DAG (Admn) Secreteriate
- Recruitment , Appointment, Promotion, Deputation, Transfer of different cadre of office staff,
- Preparation of Budget and review of expenditure.
- Conduct of different departmental examinations,
- Allowing different permissions to the employees,
- Allotment of staff quarters to the employees,
- Disciplinary Cases, Court cases, RTI etc.
- Redressal of different complaints and grievances.
Telephone No : 033-22138021
- Preparation and payment of different bills of this office and submission to PAO,
- Reimbursement of different claims of the office employees,
- Deduction of Income Tax and transmission to NSDL.
- Loading of expenditure in BEMS and iBEMS
- Issuance of certificate determining jurisdiction of CGHS/AMA.
Telephone No : 033-22138022
- Fixation of Pay, allowing Financial Upgradation etc.
- Different types of advances , recoveries and clearance certificate,
- Maintenance of Service Books, different types of nominations,
- Works relating to PRAN
- Works relating to payment of pension to the retired employees.
Telephone No : 033-22138023
- Implementation of 'Rajbhasa' in this office.
- Organisation different Workshops, Training,
- Publication of Hindi Magazine.
Telephone No : 033-22138028
Admin Hindi Cell
- Deals with the court cases filed by the State Government employees
- Appoint advocates to deal with the court cases.
- Payment to the advocates.
Telephone No : 033-22138011
Legal Cell
- Procurement of various articles.
- Maitenance of Office, office premises, office furnitures, and other equipments,
- Hiring of various services for smooth running of the office.
- Liasion with CPWD for maintenance of office buildings.
Telephone No : 033-22138034
- Porcurement of various articles.
- Maitenance of office furnitures, and other equipments,
- Hiring of various services for smooth running of the office.
- Liasion with CPWD for maintenance of office buildings.
Telephone No : 033-22138036
Functions :
- Receiving of different inward letters, Service Books, etc.
- Receiving of valueables and submit to Banks,
- Despatch of all despatchable articles of this office.
- Payment of postal charges.
Telephone No : 033-22138030
Record Computer Cell
- Porcurement of various stationery articles.
- Procurement of different books, magazine, newspapaers etc.
- Preparation of bills for reimbursement of newspapers bills.
Telephone No : 033-22138035
Record Library
- Maintenance and house-keeping functions of this office.
- Monitoring security of this office premises.
- Organisation of disaster management programmes.
- Monitoring CCTV and making announcement.
Telephone No : 033-22138042
Caretaking Establishment
- Procurement and maintenance of IT equipments and installation of the same.
- Procurement of computer consumables and distribution.
- Preparation and submission of IT budget.
- Maintenace of Hardware, LAN, IA&AD net etc.
- Updation and maintenance of website of this office.
Telephone No : 033-22138031
I.T. Support Cell