- Introduction
- Administration Sections
- Sanctioned Strength & PIP
- List of employees
- Circulars / Office Orders
- R T I Act, 2005
- Books & Manuals
- Office Publication
Transfer policy and Transfer orders
- Board / Committees
- Training
- Deputation
- Rajbhasha
- Policies and Guidelines
- Training Programme (In-house)
- Download form
Hindi is the official language of the Union. Provisions have been made regarding the implementation of Hindi from sections 343 to 352 under the Official Language Act, 1963. Along with this, arrangements were made for implementation of Hindi in Official Language Rules 1976, Official Language Act (Amendment) 1967 and Official Language Resolution, 1968 etc.
Therefore, it is clear that compliance of Hindi is to be ensured in the offices under Central Government. Keeping this fact in mind, the Official Language Implementation Committee has been formed in our office. Under the supervision of this committee efforts are made to ensure the progressive use of Hindi language in this office. The orders issued related to Hindi language by the Headquarters and the Department of Official Language from time to time are complied with. Quarterly Progressive Reports, Annual Assessment Report and other reports are prepared for the evaluation of the activities in Hindi in the office and sent to the Headquarters and Official Language Department.
Internal Inspections are conducted on quarterly basis to check the progressive use of Hindi in this office. The Hindi Magazine Vande Mataram is published half yearly to enhance the interest of officials in Hindi language.
Quarterly Hindi Workshop is organized for the officials to enable them to work in Hindi. Along with this, Hindi Fortnight is organized every year in September, in which various competitions among officials are organised.
To ensure the progressive use of Official Language various official documents are translated from English to Hindi and vise-versa. Officials are nominated for the various training course like Pragya, Praveen, Prabodh and Hindi Typing conducted by Department of Official Language. Apart from this, the translation of Official journal Lekha-Sanvaad is done in Admn. Hindi Cell.