GPF Rules and Provisions
- Eligibility to join the Fund
- GPF Subscription
- Allotment of GPF Account No
- GPF Advance
- GPF Withdrawal
- GPF Final Payment
- GPF Annual Accounts Statement
- GPF Nomination
- GPF Ledger Card
- GPF FP Authority
Rates of Interest
- GPF Calculation
- Adjustment of Missing Debit
- Forwarding of Application
- Checklists for GPF Final Payment Cases
- Information for Subscriber/DDO
The Applications for "Admission to GPF and allotment of Account numbers" and "Final Payment Cases" are to be forwarded to the "Office of the Pr. Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal, Treasury Buildings, 2 Govt. Place (West), Kolkata - 700001".
Do not send the Application for Final Payment cases directly to this office. Ensure that the papers are routed through the Department concerned.