Pension Information
- About Pension Functions
- Kinds of Pension
- Family Pension
- Authority Responsible
- Model Guidelines for processing pension papers
- Processing of Pension Application
- Do's and Don'ts for Pension
- Authorisation of Pension
- Class of Pension
- Pension-check List
List of State Govt Employees Retiring within one year
There are Four kind of Pension:-
Compensation pension: means a pension admissible to a Government employee who is discharged from service on the abolition of post and cannot be adjusted against any other post including the post of lower [level/pay scale]1 pay scale
Grant of compensation pension
When the services of a Government employee is dispensed with owing to the abolition of his post, he shall have the option either of─
taking compensation pension to which he may be entitled for the qualifying service of ten years or more he had rendered; or
accepting another post or transfer to another establishment even on a lower [level/pay scale]1/post, if offered and continuing to count his previous qualifying service for pension.
Notice of at least three months or pay and allowances in lieu of notice period falling short shall be given to Government employee by the appointing authority before his services are dispensed with on the abolition of his post.
The services of Government employee shall be deemed to be dispensed with immediate effect on payment of pay and allowances in lieu of notice given to him under clause (a). He shall be entitled to compensation pension, if otherwise admissible, from the next day of such discharge and the pension shall not be deferred till the expiry of the period of three months for which he is paid pay and allowances.
Grant of invalid pension
Invalid pension: may be granted to a Government employee, who is retired from service on account of any bodily or mental infirmity, certified by the medical board, which permanently incapacitates him for the service. The Appointing authority shall have the power to require a Government employee to appear before a medical board to test his physical fitness for the efficient discharge of the duties of his post, whenever, it has reason to believe that the Government employee is not physically fit to carry out his duties satisfactorily.
If the incapacity is directly due to irregular or intemperate habits, no pension shall be granted. If it has not been directly caused but has been accelerated or aggravated by such habits, it shall be for the authority by which the pension is grantable to decide what reduction shall be made on this account.
No medical certificate of incapacity for service shall be granted by the medical board unless the applicant produces a letter to show that the Head of office is aware of the intention of the applicant to appear before the medical board.
The medical board shall record the reasons for disability of the Government employee specifying the disease accountable for the disability and merely a simple certificate of inefficiency due to old age or natural decay from advancing years shall not be sufficient.
Grant of retiring pension
A retiring pension shall be granted to a Government employee in case of
(i) premature retirement
(ii) voluntary retirement
Voluntary Retirement
At any time after a Govt. employee has completed 20 years qualifying service, he may, by giving notice of not less than three months in writing to the appointing authority, retire from service.
Grant of superannuation pension
A superannuation pension is granted to a Government employee who is retired from service on attaining the age of superannuation prescribed for him or the post held by him, as the case may be, subject to admissibility.