Pension Information
- About Pension Functions
- Kinds of Pension
- Family Pension
- Authority Responsible
- Model Guidelines for processing pension papers
- Processing of Pension Application
- Do's and Don'ts for Pension
- Authorisation of Pension
- Class of Pension
- Pension-check List
List of State Govt Employees Retiring within one year
Forwarding of pension papers to the Principal Accountant General (A&E).―
The pension sanctioning authority shall complete Form Pen- 3 prior to the date of retirement of the Government employee and after completion shall forward, not later than one year before the date of retirement of Government employee, to the Principal Accountant General (Accounts & Entitlement), Haryana in Form Pen-4 along with the following documents :-
Sr. No. | Forms |
1 | Form Pen-1, Pen-2 and Pen-3 duly completed. |
2 | Medical certificate of incapacity (if the claim is for invalid pension) |
3 | Copy of order of retirement or death certificate in case of death while in service |
4 | Last pay certificate generated from e-salary system duly signed by DDO |
5 | Statement of qualifying and non-qualifying service with reference to entries of verification made in Service Book |
6 | Calculation sheet of pension, commutation of pension, death-cum-retirement gratuity and family pension (normal and enhanced) |
7 | Service book completed in all respects (date of retirement to be indicated in the Service book) |
8 | Certificate regarding no judicial or departmental proceeding are pending at the time of retirement. |
9 | Clearance certificate from Vigilance Department, In case of Group A and B Government employee |
10 | Brief statement regarding re-instatement of the Government employee in case he has been re-instated after having been suspended, compulsory retired, removed or dismissed from service |
11 | Four copies of passport size photograph with and without spouse duly attested by the Head of the office or any other Gazetted Officer authrosied by him. |
12 | Two slips of three specimen signatures or thumb impressions of Government employee and spouse, duly attested by the Head of office or any other Gazetted Officer authorized by him. |
13 | Photo copy of Aadhar Card of Government employee and family member(s) eligible for family pension, if any. |
14 | Undertaking regarding refund of excess payment of pension, commutation of pension and gratuity, if found at a later stage. (to be submitted by the retiring Government employee) |
15 | Undertaking regarding adjustment of long term loans and advances and rent of Government accommodation. (to be submitted by the retiring Government employee) |
16 | Option for Medical Allowance. (to be submitted by the retiring Government employee) |
Where the payment of pensionary benefits is desired from an accounting circle other than that of Principal Accountant General, Haryana, the pension sanctioning authority shall send Form Pen-4 in duplicate to the Principal Accountant General (Accounts & Entitlement), Haryana.
The pension sanctioning authority shall supply a certified copy of the calculation sheet of pension, commutation of pension, death-cum-retirement gratuity and family pension (normal and enhanced) to the Government employee after submission of pension case to the Principal Accountant General (Accounts & Entitlement), Haryana.
The pension sanctioning authority after ascertaining and assessing the Government dues as in rule 73, shall furnish the particulars there of to the Principal Accountant General (Accounts & Entitlement), Haryana at least two months before the date of retirement of the Government employee so that the dues are recovered out of the gratuity before its payment is authorised.