GPF Information
- Eligibility to join the Fund
- GPF Subscription
- New Allotment Cases
- Advances
- Withdrawals
- Final Closure
- Annual Statement of Accounts
Status of GPF Final Payment Settlement
- Forwarding of Application
- GPF FP Authority
- Adjustment of Missing Credits
- Full Want / Part Want Report
- GPF Calculation
- Information for Subscriber/DDO
Status of C & AG Complaint Cases
The GPF account statements as on 31st March of the year are being uploaded in the official website of this office.
The subscribers may access their GPF accounts statement by using their Series, GPF Account No and their Date of birth. In case of validation failure between the inputs supplied by the Subscribers and this office data, the Correct details supported by duly authenticated documents will have to be furnished to this office and the same would be updated on the office website, which would then allow the subscribers to download the statements
Subscribers should satisfy themselves as to the correctness of the annual statement and errors noticed, if any, should be brought to the notice of the Accounts Officer. The details of missing credits will also be shown in the said statement.