GPF Information
- Eligibility to join the Fund
- GPF Subscription
- New Allotment Cases
- Advances
- Withdrawals
- Final Closure
- Annual Statement of Accounts
Status of GPF Final Payment Settlement
- Forwarding of Application
- GPF FP Authority
- Adjustment of Missing Credits
- Full Want / Part Want Report
- GPF Calculation
- Information for Subscriber/DDO
Status of C & AG Complaint Cases
Rule 4 of the MGPF Rules 1998 defines the conditions of eligibility, for GPF Subscribers.
As it is a compulsory savings scheme introduced by the government for the benefit of employees and their family, there is restriction of membership to the Fund.
All the temporary government servants after the period of continuous service of one year, all re-employed pensioners and all permanent Government servants, are eligible to subscribe to GPF. All are required to subscribe monthly contribution to their GPF account.
Provided that, no such Govt. servant who has been required or permitted to subscribe to contributory Provident Fund shall be eligible to subscribe or continue to subscribe to the fund.
As per Govt. of Maharashtra FD GR dated 31st October 2005 this scheme would NOT be applicable to the government servants who are recruited on or after 1st November 2005.
In the event of promotion of a Govt. servant from Class IV to Class III, the GPF application Form should be accompanied with immediate preceding 5 years GPF Account Statement (indicating Opening Balance, Deposits during the Year, Withdrawals during year if any, Interest allowed and Closing Balance for the Year) maintained in Class IV. E.g. If the application is forwarded in Financial Year 2019-20 then GPF Account Statement will be required from 04/2015 onwards.