Pension Information
- About Pension Functions
- Kinds of Pension
- Family Pension
- Authority Responsible
Model Guidelines for processing pension papers
- Processing of Pension application
- Do's and Don'ts for Pension
- Authorisation of Pension
- Class of Pension
- Pension-check list
- List of State Govt Employees retiring within one year
- List of State Govt Employees retiring within six Months
List of checks to be exercised while forwarding a pension case to office of The Pr Accountant General (A&E)-I Maharashtra, Mumbai 400020
1-General checks
- In service pension cases please check that form 3,5,6 & 7 are being forwarded to this office. All documents except form 5 are signed by the Head of Office or any other officer authorized in this behalf. Name of the pensioner and spouse may at least be written in English /bilingual at least once
- Form 7 which contains ‘No Dues Certificate’ & ‘No Departmental Inquiry Certificate it is invariably signed by the Head of Office. (In case of Mantralaya Pension cases this power is delegated to Dy Secy/Jt Secretary as per Cir.of FD Dt 6/1/2001.If NDC/NDEC is issued on plain paper, it may be ensured that the document is duly signed by authority competent to issue such certificates.
- Form 6 should invariably be filled out completely. Please note that if any retiring Govt servant is already in receipt of pension from Military source, his wife will get family pension from Defence department. The class of pension may invariably be noted against clause 12 of the form.
- Medical Officers are entitled to Non Practicing Allowance If it is admissible the same may be considered in calculation worked out in form 6
- Form 5 is required to be signed by retiring servant.
- If pensioner desires to draw pension from any state other than State of Maharashtra,/ Nagpur Marathwada regions photographs are required to be attested on themselves
- In case pension is reduced as a measure of penalty owing to conviction in a D.E, the date of commencement of penalty ( If it is other than the date of penalty Order) may be indicated together with the period of punishment
2-Voluntary Retirement pension cases Checks
- In case of voluntary retirement the pension papers may be sent to this office only after the person has actually retired and not in advance.
- If notice period is curtailed the facts may please be indicated both in forwarding letters and service book. Please note that in that case he will not be entitled to apply for commutation of pension during the curtailed period of notice.
- Notice for voluntary retirement may not be accepted before the person desirous of such retirement actually completes 20 years of qualifying service.
- Please note that the qualifying service mentioned in 3 above means pensionable service reduced by non-qualifying one including EOL /LWP on other than medical ground.
3-Invalid Retirement cases Checks
- Please note that in case of an employee drawing pay Rs. 7200/- (under 5thPay Commission) and above Medical Board is the competent authority to issue medical certificate of invalidation.
- 2 A person who is not on leave on the date of issue of medical certificate by competent medical authority should invariably be retired within 7 days
- In medical certificate there are two types of invalidation viz (i) invalidation for further service of any kind or (ii) from the department to which he belongs. In the latter case one more certificate contemplated in Rule 72(3) needs to be furnished by the department. These facts may please be noted.
- In medical certificate there are 3 types of clauses (i) Directly Caused (ii) accelerated or aggravated though not directly caused (iii) neither directly caused ,nor aggravated….. etc. Please see to it that any one of the three clauses is ticked by Medical Authority
4-Pension cases of employees finally absorbed in Public Sector Undertakings / Autonomous Bodies Checks
- Please examine whether the absorption was in Public Interest. The permanently absorbed employee will be entitled to pensionary benefits provided that is the case.
- Please see whether the permanently absorbed employee had exercised option in regard to pensionary benefits as per Rule 67(e) of Pension Rules,1982 .If so, you may send the option in original to this office (along with all other pension papers) to this office
- Please also ascertain whether the permanently absorbed employee is entitled to the benefit of family pension for his spouse/ other family member and intimate the facts in the papers forwarding letter.
- If he is entitled to family pension from the Public Undertaking / Autonomous Body in which he is finally absorbed, you may obtain option from him selecting either of the family pension (F.P .from Government sector or from the organization in which he is finally absorbed.
- In case where the permanently absorbed employee has opted for lump sum value in lieu of pension the pension papers should also include (i) Commutation of Pension without medical examination in Proforma A for 1/3rd of Pro-rata pension & (ii) Commutation of pension after medical examination in Proforma C for residuary pension.
- The pay that he would have drawn had he continued in Govt service may invariably be noted in the service book of the pensioner.
5-Non Government Educational Institutions Checks
- In respect of pension cases of teaching and non teaching staff of educational institutions full time, recognized & aided. Certificate (F.R.A.) should cover the entire period of service to be taken into account for calculation of pensionary benefits. The documents should be attested by competent Government Officer of the forwarding office.
- In respect of pension cases of teaching and non teaching staff of educational institutions Break Condonation Certificate may invariably be sent to this office duly signed by competent Government officer of the forwarding office
- In case of pension cases of No Agricultural Universities & Colleges affiliated to them, an attested copy of option to come over pension scheme should invariably be forwarded alongwith pension papers.
6- Family Pension cases ( Death in harness )Checks
- Photograph of only family pensioner may be sent to this office. Please do not sent family photograph or photograph with deceased employee
- Clause 15 of form 16 should be filled out carefully. If the deceased had not filed nomination for death gratuity or the nomination does not subsist , the facts may be indicated against the clause 15. ( if you say ‘yes’ when nomination does not subsist it necessitates further correspondence leading to delay.
- Form 16, 17, 12 & 10 are necessary to be filled out /got filled out from beneficiaries and sent to this office If gratuity is payable to more than one person and if all are major separate form 10 may be obtained in respect of each of them..
- The form 12 should invariably be signed by the applicant for family pension and attested and witnessed by two persons each. In the case of an illiterate person Left hand thumb impression of the applicant may be taken in the presence of two persons.
- Please note that as per Hindu Marriage Act, 1956 2nd marriage contracted during lifetime of first spouse is ab-initio invalid. Second wife is, therefore, not entitled to family pension unless there are specific court orders to the contrary. No claim in r/o 2nd wife may, therefore, be sent to this office.
- If family pensioner is illiterate and her left hand thumb impression is taken as specimen signature, the same should be witnessed by 2 persons.
- Government servant should have been confirmed in service or benefit of permanency as per Government Resolution of General Administration Department (GRGAD) dated 19/9/75 should have been issued in his case.(A note in either of the cases may be taken in service book)
7-Pension cases where payment is to be made through defacto guardian Checks
- In case payment is to be made through defacto guardian, Indemnity Bond in proforma 28 for death gratuity and proforma 29 for family pension need be sent to this office.( The Indemnity Bonds may be got notarized )
- The Indemnity Bonds mentioned above are required to executed on stamp papers of appropriate values
- The Indemnity Bonds should contain acceptance of Head of Office as contemplated in GRFD dated 14/1/2004
- The Indemnity Bonds should be supported by an affidavit of guardianship of minors exercised on stamp paper of appropriate value and notarized.
- In certain communities mother is not regarded as natural guardian. In such cases if nomination for gratuity does not subsist the amount of gratuity is distributable equally among all the eligible members of the family including minors. In such cases Indemnity Bond in Proforma 28 & Affidavit may invariably be obtained from defacto guardian as stated above
- Government servant should have been confirmed in service or benefit of permanency as per General Resolution General Administration Department dated 19/9/75 should have been issued in his cased..( In either of the cases may be taken in service book)
8-Pension to families of Govt servants whose whereabouts are not known Checks
- When such proposals are sent to this office please also send invariably an attested copy of the First Investigation Report (FIR). Indemnity Bond may be obtained from family pensioner and original one kept on the record of the department and an attested copy sent to this office.
- Please note that administrative department of Government is sanctioning authority in such cases. As such sanction of Government is prerequisite.
- Government servant should have been confirmed in service or benefit of permanency as per GRGAD dated 19/9/75 should have been issued in his case..( Note in either of the cases may be taken in service book)
9-Commutation of pension Checks
- Please note that Proforma B is applicable in cases where pensioner having retired on Superannuation pension applies for commutation while in service. In other cases Proforma A may be used.
- The date on which acknowledgement of receipt of the application is issued may be indicated against clause 3 of Part III.
- Part III may be duly signed by Head of Office.
- Please ask the pensioner to indicate pension to be commuted in terms of percentage or fraction. The term ‘As per Rules’ is not acceptable as it does not indicate the exact part of pension to be commuted.
- Pensioner who is retired under Rule 68 or 100 or 101 of M.C.S.(Pension) Rules ,1982 is not entitled to commute without medical examination. Please note. No application for commutation without medical examination in such cases may be sent to this office
- In case of commutation of pension after medical examination, please note that competent Medical Authority to examine the pensioner is Medical Board provided that the amount to be commuted works to be more than Rs., 100/-
- Medical certificate issued in advance of Admissibility Report from this office is not acceptable
10 - Check of Service Book
- Erasure in name and date of birth may be avoided.
- If there is break in service /interruption please state whether the same are condoned. If so, pl take a note to that effect in the service book over proper attestation.
- Notes regarding EOL/LWP should invariably state whether the spells of leave were on medical ground or otherwise.
- Please see to it that the increments have been postponed suitably owing to EOL/LWP
- Your attention is invited to Govt in F.D. Circular dated 5/5/10. As per paragraph 2.5 fraction of rupee should be ignored while working out increments under 6th Pay Commission. Please see whether you have worked out increments accordingly
- Pay fixed under M.C.S.(RP) Rules, 2009 may invariably be got verified from P.V. Unit concerned.
- In case of retirement under Rule 100 or 101 or death in harness please take a note of confirmation in service / issuance of Permanency Benefit as per GRGAD dated 19/9/75 in the service book. after ascertaining facts
- If a Government servant was granted ‘One Step Promotion’ for working in Nexalite prone area/Tribal area please record a certificate in the service book to that effect indicating exact period of such posting.
- In cases where increments are postponed, please state whether it was so done owing to EOL/LWP or as a measure of punishment.
- In case of service on daily wages please state the exact period of such service and record a certificate to the effect that the service had been verified from Nominal Muster Roll maintained in the office and that the post was converted into Temporary/Permanent post under Kalelkar Award ,provided that is the case.
- Leave account appended to the service book may be updated till the date of retirement
- Note of provisional pension & gratuity granted if any may be taken in the service book