Gazetted Entitlement/Ó▓ùÓ│åÓ▓£Ó│åÓ▓ƒÓ│åÓ▓íÓ│ì Ó▓╣Ó▓òÓ│ìÓ▓òÓ│ü
- Introduction/Ó▓¬Ó▓░Ó▓┐Ó▓ÜÓ▓»
About GE Functions/Ó▓£Ó▓┐Ó▓ç Ó▓òÓ▓¥Ó▓░Ó│ìÓ▓»Ó▓ùÓ▓│ Ó▓òÓ│üÓ▓░Ó▓┐Ó▓ñÓ│ü
- History of Services/Ó▓©Ó│çÓ▓ÁÓ▓¥ Ó▓çÓ▓ñÓ▓┐Ó▓╣Ó▓¥Ó▓©
- Authorisations/Ó▓ªÓ│âÓ▓óÓ│ÇÓ▓òÓ▓░Ó▓úÓ▓ùÓ▓│Ó│ü
- Leave/Ó▓░Ó▓£Ó│ìÓ▓£Ó│å
- Increments/Ó▓ÁÓ│çÓ▓ñÓ▓¿ Ó▓«Ó│üÓ▓éÓ▓¼Ó▓íÓ│ìÓ▓ñÓ▓┐
- Long Term Advances/Ó▓ªÓ│ÇÓ▓░Ó│ìÓ▓ÿÓ▓¥Ó▓ÁÓ▓ºÓ▓┐Ó▓» Ó▓àÓ▓íÓ│ìÓ▓ÁÓ▓¥Ó▓¿Ó│ìÓ▓©Ó│ì
- Grievance/Ó▓òÓ│üÓ▓éÓ▓ªÓ│üÓ▓òÓ│èÓ▓░Ó▓ñÓ│å
- Tips for Better Service/Ó▓ëÓ▓ñÓ│ìÓ▓ñÓ▓« Ó▓©Ó│çÓ▓ÁÓ│åÓ▓ùÓ▓¥Ó▓ùÓ▓┐ Ó▓©Ó▓▓Ó▓╣Ó│åÓ▓ùÓ▓│Ó│ü
- FAQ/Ó▓©Ó▓¥Ó▓«Ó▓¥Ó▓¿Ó│ìÓ▓» Ó▓¬Ó│ìÓ▓░Ó▓ÂÓ│ìÓ▓¿Ó│å
- Increment Certificate/Ó▓ÁÓ│çÓ▓ñÓ▓¿ Ó▓«Ó│üÓ▓éÓ▓¼Ó▓íÓ│ìÓ▓ñÓ▓┐ Ó▓¬Ó│ìÓ▓░Ó▓«Ó▓¥Ó▓ú Ó▓¬Ó▓ñÓ│ìÓ▓░
- General Enquiries/Ó▓©Ó▓¥Ó▓«Ó▓¥Ó▓¿Ó│ìÓ▓» Ó▓ÁÓ▓┐Ó▓ÜÓ▓¥Ó▓░Ó▓úÓ│å
- Do's & Don'ts/Ó▓«Ó▓¥Ó▓íÓ▓¼Ó│çÓ▓òÓ▓¥Ó▓ªÓ│üÓ▓ªÓ│ü Ó▓«Ó▓ñÓ│ìÓ▓ñÓ│ü Ó▓«Ó▓¥Ó▓íÓ▓¼Ó▓¥Ó▓░Ó▓ªÓ│ü
- DA circulars from ROP 2010 onwards/2010Ó▓░Ó▓┐Ó▓éÓ▓ª Ó▓íÓ▓┐Ó▓Ä Ó▓©Ó│üÓ▓ñÓ│ìÓ▓ñÓ│ïÓ▓▓Ó│åÓ▓ùÓ▓│Ó│ü
A Pay slip is issued to an officer in the following cases:
- On his first appointment / promotion
- On enhancement or addition to pay
- On enhancement of rate of HRA & CCA
- On transfer from one post to the other provided there is change in designation and emoluments.
(No pay slip is required for drawl of enhanced DA. It can be drawn based on the Government orders issued from time to time.)
Issue of pay slip on first appointment/transfer/promotion:
Documents required :
- Government order
- C T C in respect of both Reporting and Relieving ( R & R )
- Declaration regarding HRA
Note: For issue of pay slip on appointment to a gazetted post on promotion from a non-gazetted post, in addition to the above documents, Service Register and the Last Pay Certificate are to be sent this office.
Promotion from one gazetted cadre to another :
Documents required :
- Promotion order
- C.T.C
- Option under KCS (TBA) rules, 1983 and KCS (Automatic Grant of Special Promotion to Senior Scale) Rules, 1991, where ever necessary within prescribed time limit.
Promotions with retrospective effect :
Documents required :
- Promotion order indicating relevant provisions under Karnataka State Civil Services (Regulation of Promotion, Pay and Pension) Act, 1973 and rules made under there
- Options under K.C.S.(Time Bound Advancement) Rules,1983 and K.C.S. (Automatic Grant of Special Promotion to Senior Scale of Pay) Rules, 1991, where necessary, within the prescribed time limit from the date of issue of promotion order.
Officers on Foreign service
Pay intimation will be sent to the foreign employer on receipt of transfer order, terms of deputation, certificate of transfer charge (both handing over and taking over), and the Last Pay Certificate.
Documents required :
- Last Pay Certificate
- C.T.C. (both R & R)
- Order regularizing the period of absence, if any
Compulsory waiting
After relinquishing charge of the post held and while waiting for fresh posting, an officer will not be entitled to salary for the such period of waiting till the Govt. regularizes the period as duty either or leave. Thereafter the salary will be authorized separately for such period.
Documents required :
- Last Pay Certificate
- C.T.C. for having handed over
- Order regularizing the period of absence
Gazetted Govt. servants under orders of suspension will be authorized subsistence allowance for a period of 12 months.
Documents required :
- C.T.C. for having handed over charge.
- A declaration of non-employment during the period of suspension.
- Suspension order