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Provident Fund Status/Ó▓¡Ó▓ÁÓ▓┐Ó▓ÀÓ│ìÓ▓» Ó▓¿Ó▓┐Ó▓ºÓ▓┐ Ó▓©Ó│ìÓ▓ÑÓ▓┐Ó▓ñÓ▓┐
- Eligibility to join the Provident fund/Ó▓¡Ó▓ÁÓ▓┐Ó▓ÀÓ│ìÓ▓» Ó▓¿Ó▓┐Ó▓ºÓ▓┐Ó▓ùÓ│å Ó▓©Ó│çÓ▓░Ó▓▓Ó│ü Ó▓àÓ▓░Ó│ìÓ▓╣Ó▓ñÓ│å
- Nominations/Ó▓¿Ó▓¥Ó▓«Ó▓¿Ó▓┐Ó▓░Ó│ìÓ▓ªÓ│çÓ▓ÂÓ▓¿Ó▓ùÓ▓│Ó│ü
- Subscriptions/Ó▓ÜÓ▓éÓ▓ªÓ▓¥Ó▓ªÓ▓¥Ó▓░Ó▓┐Ó▓òÓ│å
- Advances/Ó▓«Ó│üÓ▓éÓ▓ùÓ▓í
- Withdrawals/Ó▓ÁÓ▓¥Ó▓¬Ó▓©Ó▓¥Ó▓ñÓ▓┐
- Final Closure/Ó▓àÓ▓éÓ▓ñÓ▓┐Ó▓« Ó▓«Ó│üÓ▓òÓ│ìÓ▓ñÓ▓¥Ó▓»
- Status of GPF Final Payment Settlement/ Ó▓£Ó▓┐Ó▓¬Ó▓┐Ó▓ÄÓ▓½Ó│ì Ó▓àÓ▓éÓ▓ñÓ▓┐Ó▓« Ó▓¬Ó▓¥Ó▓ÁÓ▓ñÓ▓┐Ó▓» Ó▓çÓ▓ñÓ│ìÓ▓»Ó▓░Ó│ìÓ▓ÑÓ▓ª Ó▓©Ó│ìÓ▓ÑÓ▓┐Ó▓ñÓ▓┐
- Status of GPF NRA Settlement/ Ó▓£Ó▓┐Ó▓¬Ó▓┐Ó▓ÄÓ▓½Ó│ì Ó▓ÄÓ▓¿Ó│ìÓ▓åÓ▓░Ó│ìÓ▓Ä Ó▓ÁÓ▓©Ó▓¥Ó▓╣Ó▓ñÓ│ü Ó▓©Ó│ìÓ▓ÑÓ▓┐Ó▓ñÓ▓┐
- Forwarding of Application/Ó▓àÓ▓░Ó│ìÓ▓£Ó▓┐Ó▓»Ó▓¿Ó│ìÓ▓¿Ó│ü Ó▓░Ó▓ÁÓ▓¥Ó▓¿Ó▓┐Ó▓©Ó│üÓ▓ÁÓ│üÓ▓ªÓ│ü
- GPF FP Authority/Ó▓£Ó▓┐Ó▓¬Ó▓┐Ó▓ÄÓ▓½Ó│ì Ó▓ÄÓ▓½Ó│ìÔÇîÓ▓¬Ó▓┐ Ó▓¬Ó│ìÓ▓░Ó▓¥Ó▓ºÓ▓┐Ó▓òÓ▓¥Ó▓░
- Provident fund Balance/Ó▓¡Ó▓ÁÓ▓┐Ó▓ÀÓ│ìÓ▓» Ó▓¿Ó▓┐Ó▓ºÓ▓┐ Ó▓¼Ó▓¥Ó▓òÓ▓┐
- GPF Calculation/Ó▓£Ó▓┐Ó▓¬Ó▓┐Ó▓ÄÓ▓½Ó│ì Ó▓▓Ó│åÓ▓òÓ│ìÓ▓òÓ▓¥Ó▓ÜÓ▓¥Ó▓░
- Report for Full want, Part want and Unposted items/Ó▓¬Ó│éÓ▓░Ó│ìÓ▓ú Ó▓¼Ó│çÓ▓òÓ│ü, Ó▓¡Ó▓¥Ó▓ù Ó▓¼Ó│çÓ▓òÓ│ü Ó▓«Ó▓ñÓ│ìÓ▓ñÓ│ü Ó▓¬Ó│ïÓ▓©Ó│ìÓ▓ƒÓ│ì Ó▓«Ó▓¥Ó▓íÓ▓ª Ó▓ÉÓ▓ƒÓ▓éÓ▓ùÓ▓│Ó▓┐Ó▓ùÓ▓¥Ó▓ùÓ▓┐ Ó▓ÁÓ▓░Ó▓ªÓ▓┐
- Information for Subscriber_DDO/Ó▓ÜÓ▓éÓ▓ªÓ▓¥Ó▓ªÓ▓¥Ó▓░Ó▓░Ó│ü/Ó▓íÓ▓┐Ó▓íÓ▓┐Ó▓ÆÓ▓ùÓ▓│Ó▓┐Ó▓ùÓ│å Ó▓«Ó▓¥Ó▓╣Ó▓┐Ó▓ñÓ▓┐
- Ledger Card/Ó▓▓Ó│åÓ▓£Ó▓░Ó│ì Ó▓òÓ▓¥Ó▓░Ó│ìÓ▓íÓ│ì
- Annual Statements/Ó▓ÁÓ▓¥Ó▓░Ó│ìÓ▓ÀÓ▓┐Ó▓ò Ó▓ÁÓ▓┐Ó▓ÁÓ▓░Ó▓úÓ│å
- Applications/Ó▓àÓ▓░Ó│ìÓ▓£Ó▓┐Ó▓ùÓ▓│Ó│ü
- Lapses/Ó▓▓Ó│ïÓ▓¬Ó▓ùÓ▓│Ó│ü
- Do's & Dont's/Ó▓«Ó▓¥Ó▓íÓ▓¼Ó│çÓ▓òÓ▓¥Ó▓ªÓ│üÓ▓ªÓ│ü Ó▓«Ó▓ñÓ│ìÓ▓ñÓ│ü Ó▓«Ó▓¥Ó▓íÓ▓¼Ó▓¥Ó▓░Ó▓ªÓ│ü
- Grievance/Ó▓òÓ│üÓ▓éÓ▓ªÓ│üÓ▓òÓ│èÓ▓░Ó▓ñÓ│å
- FAQ/Ó▓©Ó▓¥Ó▓«Ó▓¥Ó▓¿Ó│ìÓ▓» Ó▓¬Ó│ìÓ▓░Ó▓ÂÓ│ìÓ▓¿Ó│å
Common Lapses Noticed in the Receipt Of
- Schedules
- FW Applications
Lapses noticed in GPF Schedules are :
- Account number not given / wrong account number cited in schedules / Challans.
- Schedules wanting.
- Schedule total not tallying with the booked amount.
- Subscription and refund amounts shown as one lumpsum.
- Name of subscribers written in abbreviated form.
- Name / Account number illegible in the schedule.
- Incomplete schedules i.e. continuation sheets / pages missing.
- Treasury Challans without enclosing statement / schedule.
- GPF schedule not in the prescribed format (Form No.2)
- In case of officials who are on deputation details of subscriptions relating to each subscriber along with department prefix not given.
GPF Final Withdrawal Application:
Deficiencies noticed
- Form 6A, 6B and 6C do not contain details of latest deduction made or the details are furnished incorrectly.
- Particulars of GPF Advances/ Withdrawals sanctioned and drawn during the period of one year prior to retirement are not furnished or are incorrectly furnished.
- The application is not countersigned by the Head of the Department in case of Gazetted Officers / Drawing Officer in respect of non-gazetted staff.
- Temporary advances are sanctioned and drawn during the last 6 months of services in contravention of Rule 11 (5) (iii).
- Temporary advances are seen to be sanctioned after the final withdrawal application of the subscriber has been sent to the Accountant General, even though it is not permitted as per Rule 15 a a.
- Even where advances are drawn during the previous one year, the details are not furnished. Instead a line is drawn against item No.5 of the Final Withdrawal Application Form in respect of non-gazetted staff and item No.2 in respect of gazetted staff.
The above deficiencies can lead to excess payments being authorized at the time of final withdrawal. It is therefore, necessary that proforma enclosed to this list be submitted by all Heads of Department/Controlling officer/ Drawing and Disbursing Officers while forwarding the GPF Final Withdrawal applications