Gazetted Entitlement/Ó▓ùÓ│åÓ▓£Ó│åÓ▓ƒÓ│åÓ▓íÓ│ì Ó▓╣Ó▓òÓ│ìÓ▓òÓ│ü
- Introduction/Ó▓¬Ó▓░Ó▓┐Ó▓ÜÓ▓»
About GE Functions/Ó▓£Ó▓┐Ó▓ç Ó▓òÓ▓¥Ó▓░Ó│ìÓ▓»Ó▓ùÓ▓│ Ó▓òÓ│üÓ▓░Ó▓┐Ó▓ñÓ│ü
- History of Services/Ó▓©Ó│çÓ▓ÁÓ▓¥ Ó▓çÓ▓ñÓ▓┐Ó▓╣Ó▓¥Ó▓©
- Authorisations/Ó▓ªÓ│âÓ▓óÓ│ÇÓ▓òÓ▓░Ó▓úÓ▓ùÓ▓│Ó│ü
- Leave/Ó▓░Ó▓£Ó│ìÓ▓£Ó│å
- Increments/Ó▓ÁÓ│çÓ▓ñÓ▓¿ Ó▓«Ó│üÓ▓éÓ▓¼Ó▓íÓ│ìÓ▓ñÓ▓┐
- Long Term Advances/Ó▓ªÓ│ÇÓ▓░Ó│ìÓ▓ÿÓ▓¥Ó▓ÁÓ▓ºÓ▓┐Ó▓» Ó▓àÓ▓íÓ│ìÓ▓ÁÓ▓¥Ó▓¿Ó│ìÓ▓©Ó│ì
- Grievance/Ó▓òÓ│üÓ▓éÓ▓ªÓ│üÓ▓òÓ│èÓ▓░Ó▓ñÓ│å
- Tips for Better Service/Ó▓ëÓ▓ñÓ│ìÓ▓ñÓ▓« Ó▓©Ó│çÓ▓ÁÓ│åÓ▓ùÓ▓¥Ó▓ùÓ▓┐ Ó▓©Ó▓▓Ó▓╣Ó│åÓ▓ùÓ▓│Ó│ü
- FAQ/Ó▓©Ó▓¥Ó▓«Ó▓¥Ó▓¿Ó│ìÓ▓» Ó▓¬Ó│ìÓ▓░Ó▓ÂÓ│ìÓ▓¿Ó│å
- Increment Certificate/Ó▓ÁÓ│çÓ▓ñÓ▓¿ Ó▓«Ó│üÓ▓éÓ▓¼Ó▓íÓ│ìÓ▓ñÓ▓┐ Ó▓¬Ó│ìÓ▓░Ó▓«Ó▓¥Ó▓ú Ó▓¬Ó▓ñÓ│ìÓ▓░
- General Enquiries/Ó▓©Ó▓¥Ó▓«Ó▓¥Ó▓¿Ó│ìÓ▓» Ó▓ÁÓ▓┐Ó▓ÜÓ▓¥Ó▓░Ó▓úÓ│å
- Do's & Don'ts/Ó▓«Ó▓¥Ó▓íÓ▓¼Ó│çÓ▓òÓ▓¥Ó▓ªÓ│üÓ▓ªÓ│ü Ó▓«Ó▓ñÓ│ìÓ▓ñÓ│ü Ó▓«Ó▓¥Ó▓íÓ▓¼Ó▓¥Ó▓░Ó▓ªÓ│ü
- DA circulars from ROP 2010 onwards/2010Ó▓░Ó▓┐Ó▓éÓ▓ª Ó▓íÓ▓┐Ó▓Ä Ó▓©Ó│üÓ▓ñÓ│ìÓ▓ñÓ│ïÓ▓▓Ó│åÓ▓ùÓ▓│Ó│ü
Annual increments will be released as a matter of course unless withheld by the competent authority. Release of the increments is further subject to regularisation of periods of absence from duty it any and receipt of C.T.C. after leave or training. Further for the Officer’s who are on the Foreign Service certificate under Rule 53 (f) of KCSR is required. In respect of Stagnation Increment sanction from department is required.