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Provident Fund Status/Ó▓¡Ó▓ÁÓ▓┐Ó▓ÀÓ│ìÓ▓» Ó▓¿Ó▓┐Ó▓ºÓ▓┐ Ó▓©Ó│ìÓ▓ÑÓ▓┐Ó▓ñÓ▓┐
- Eligibility to join the Provident fund/Ó▓¡Ó▓ÁÓ▓┐Ó▓ÀÓ│ìÓ▓» Ó▓¿Ó▓┐Ó▓ºÓ▓┐Ó▓ùÓ│å Ó▓©Ó│çÓ▓░Ó▓▓Ó│ü Ó▓àÓ▓░Ó│ìÓ▓╣Ó▓ñÓ│å
- Nominations/Ó▓¿Ó▓¥Ó▓«Ó▓¿Ó▓┐Ó▓░Ó│ìÓ▓ªÓ│çÓ▓ÂÓ▓¿Ó▓ùÓ▓│Ó│ü
- Subscriptions/Ó▓ÜÓ▓éÓ▓ªÓ▓¥Ó▓ªÓ▓¥Ó▓░Ó▓┐Ó▓òÓ│å
- Advances/Ó▓«Ó│üÓ▓éÓ▓ùÓ▓í
- Withdrawals/Ó▓ÁÓ▓¥Ó▓¬Ó▓©Ó▓¥Ó▓ñÓ▓┐
- Final Closure/Ó▓àÓ▓éÓ▓ñÓ▓┐Ó▓« Ó▓«Ó│üÓ▓òÓ│ìÓ▓ñÓ▓¥Ó▓»
- Status of GPF Final Payment Settlement/ Ó▓£Ó▓┐Ó▓¬Ó▓┐Ó▓ÄÓ▓½Ó│ì Ó▓àÓ▓éÓ▓ñÓ▓┐Ó▓« Ó▓¬Ó▓¥Ó▓ÁÓ▓ñÓ▓┐Ó▓» Ó▓çÓ▓ñÓ│ìÓ▓»Ó▓░Ó│ìÓ▓ÑÓ▓ª Ó▓©Ó│ìÓ▓ÑÓ▓┐Ó▓ñÓ▓┐
- Status of GPF NRA Settlement/ Ó▓£Ó▓┐Ó▓¬Ó▓┐Ó▓ÄÓ▓½Ó│ì Ó▓ÄÓ▓¿Ó│ìÓ▓åÓ▓░Ó│ìÓ▓Ä Ó▓ÁÓ▓©Ó▓¥Ó▓╣Ó▓ñÓ│ü Ó▓©Ó│ìÓ▓ÑÓ▓┐Ó▓ñÓ▓┐
- Forwarding of Application/Ó▓àÓ▓░Ó│ìÓ▓£Ó▓┐Ó▓»Ó▓¿Ó│ìÓ▓¿Ó│ü Ó▓░Ó▓ÁÓ▓¥Ó▓¿Ó▓┐Ó▓©Ó│üÓ▓ÁÓ│üÓ▓ªÓ│ü
- GPF FP Authority/Ó▓£Ó▓┐Ó▓¬Ó▓┐Ó▓ÄÓ▓½Ó│ì Ó▓ÄÓ▓½Ó│ìÔÇîÓ▓¬Ó▓┐ Ó▓¬Ó│ìÓ▓░Ó▓¥Ó▓ºÓ▓┐Ó▓òÓ▓¥Ó▓░
- Provident fund Balance/Ó▓¡Ó▓ÁÓ▓┐Ó▓ÀÓ│ìÓ▓» Ó▓¿Ó▓┐Ó▓ºÓ▓┐ Ó▓¼Ó▓¥Ó▓òÓ▓┐
- GPF Calculation/Ó▓£Ó▓┐Ó▓¬Ó▓┐Ó▓ÄÓ▓½Ó│ì Ó▓▓Ó│åÓ▓òÓ│ìÓ▓òÓ▓¥Ó▓ÜÓ▓¥Ó▓░
- Report for Full want, Part want and Unposted items/Ó▓¬Ó│éÓ▓░Ó│ìÓ▓ú Ó▓¼Ó│çÓ▓òÓ│ü, Ó▓¡Ó▓¥Ó▓ù Ó▓¼Ó│çÓ▓òÓ│ü Ó▓«Ó▓ñÓ│ìÓ▓ñÓ│ü Ó▓¬Ó│ïÓ▓©Ó│ìÓ▓ƒÓ│ì Ó▓«Ó▓¥Ó▓íÓ▓ª Ó▓ÉÓ▓ƒÓ▓éÓ▓ùÓ▓│Ó▓┐Ó▓ùÓ▓¥Ó▓ùÓ▓┐ Ó▓ÁÓ▓░Ó▓ªÓ▓┐
- Information for Subscriber_DDO/Ó▓ÜÓ▓éÓ▓ªÓ▓¥Ó▓ªÓ▓¥Ó▓░Ó▓░Ó│ü/Ó▓íÓ▓┐Ó▓íÓ▓┐Ó▓ÆÓ▓ùÓ▓│Ó▓┐Ó▓ùÓ│å Ó▓«Ó▓¥Ó▓╣Ó▓┐Ó▓ñÓ▓┐
- Ledger Card/Ó▓▓Ó│åÓ▓£Ó▓░Ó│ì Ó▓òÓ▓¥Ó▓░Ó│ìÓ▓íÓ│ì
- Annual Statements/Ó▓ÁÓ▓¥Ó▓░Ó│ìÓ▓ÀÓ▓┐Ó▓ò Ó▓ÁÓ▓┐Ó▓ÁÓ▓░Ó▓úÓ│å
- Applications/Ó▓àÓ▓░Ó│ìÓ▓£Ó▓┐Ó▓ùÓ▓│Ó│ü
- Lapses/Ó▓▓Ó│ïÓ▓¬Ó▓ùÓ▓│Ó│ü
- Do's & Dont's/Ó▓«Ó▓¥Ó▓íÓ▓¼Ó│çÓ▓òÓ▓¥Ó▓ªÓ│üÓ▓ªÓ│ü Ó▓«Ó▓ñÓ│ìÓ▓ñÓ│ü Ó▓«Ó▓¥Ó▓íÓ▓¼Ó▓¥Ó▓░Ó▓ªÓ│ü
- Grievance/Ó▓òÓ│üÓ▓éÓ▓ªÓ│üÓ▓òÓ│èÓ▓░Ó▓ñÓ│å
- FAQ/Ó▓©Ó▓¥Ó▓«Ó▓¥Ó▓¿Ó│ìÓ▓» Ó▓¬Ó│ìÓ▓░Ó▓ÂÓ│ìÓ▓¿Ó│å
Conditions of Subscription :
A Subscriber shall subscribe monthly to the fund except during a period of suspension. Provided that subscriber, may at his option, not subscribe during leave which either does not carry any leave salary or carries leave salary equal to or less than half pay or half average pay.
Provided further that a subscriber on reinstatement after a period passed under suspension shall be allowed the option of paying in one sum, or in instalments, any sum not exceeding the maximum amount of arrears subscription permissible for the period.
The subscriber shall intimate his intention not to subscribe during the leave in the following manner
- If he is an officer who draws his own bill, by making no deduction on account of subscription in his first bill drawn after proceeding on leave.
- If he is not an Officer who draws his own pay bills, by written communication to the Head of his Office before he proceeds on leave.
Failure to make due and timely intimation shall be deemed to constitute that the subscriber elects to subscribe.
The option intimated by the subscriber shall be final. (Rule 10 (1,2))
A Government servant due to retire on superannuation shall be exempted from making any subscription to the GPF during last six months of his service. The discontinuance of subscription would be compulsory and not optional.
Sl. No | Scale of Pay | Amount of minimum monthly subscription |
1 | 2500-3850 | 130 |
2 | 2600-4350 | 140 |
3 | 2775-4950 | 155 |
4 | 3000-5450 | 170 |
5 | 3300-6300 | 195 |
6 | 3850-7050 | 220 |
7 | 4150-7850 | 240 |
8 | 4575-8400 | 260 |
9 | 5200-9580 | 300 |
10 | 5575-10620 | 325 |
11 | 6000-11200 | 345 |
12 | 6300-11840 | 365 |
13 | 7400-13120 | 400 |
14 | 8000-13440 | 430 |
15 | 9580-14200 | 480 |
16 | 10620-14960 | 550 |
17 | 11520-15840 | 550 |
18 | 12800-16720 | 590 |
19 | 13820-17220 | 625 |
20 | 14960-20720 | 715 |
Interest to be accrued as per the rate decided by the Government from time to time. The present rate of interest for the year 2010-11 is 8%