Gazetted Entitlement/Ó▓ùÓ│åÓ▓£Ó│åÓ▓ƒÓ│åÓ▓íÓ│ì Ó▓╣Ó▓òÓ│ìÓ▓òÓ│ü
- Introduction/Ó▓¬Ó▓░Ó▓┐Ó▓ÜÓ▓»
About GE Functions/Ó▓£Ó▓┐Ó▓ç Ó▓òÓ▓¥Ó▓░Ó│ìÓ▓»Ó▓ùÓ▓│ Ó▓òÓ│üÓ▓░Ó▓┐Ó▓ñÓ│ü
- History of Services/Ó▓©Ó│çÓ▓ÁÓ▓¥ Ó▓çÓ▓ñÓ▓┐Ó▓╣Ó▓¥Ó▓©
- Authorisations/Ó▓ªÓ│âÓ▓óÓ│ÇÓ▓òÓ▓░Ó▓úÓ▓ùÓ▓│Ó│ü
- Leave/Ó▓░Ó▓£Ó│ìÓ▓£Ó│å
- Increments/Ó▓ÁÓ│çÓ▓ñÓ▓¿ Ó▓«Ó│üÓ▓éÓ▓¼Ó▓íÓ│ìÓ▓ñÓ▓┐
- Long Term Advances/Ó▓ªÓ│ÇÓ▓░Ó│ìÓ▓ÿÓ▓¥Ó▓ÁÓ▓ºÓ▓┐Ó▓» Ó▓àÓ▓íÓ│ìÓ▓ÁÓ▓¥Ó▓¿Ó│ìÓ▓©Ó│ì
- Grievance/Ó▓òÓ│üÓ▓éÓ▓ªÓ│üÓ▓òÓ│èÓ▓░Ó▓ñÓ│å
- Tips for Better Service/Ó▓ëÓ▓ñÓ│ìÓ▓ñÓ▓« Ó▓©Ó│çÓ▓ÁÓ│åÓ▓ùÓ▓¥Ó▓ùÓ▓┐ Ó▓©Ó▓▓Ó▓╣Ó│åÓ▓ùÓ▓│Ó│ü
- FAQ/Ó▓©Ó▓¥Ó▓«Ó▓¥Ó▓¿Ó│ìÓ▓» Ó▓¬Ó│ìÓ▓░Ó▓ÂÓ│ìÓ▓¿Ó│å
- Increment Certificate/Ó▓ÁÓ│çÓ▓ñÓ▓¿ Ó▓«Ó│üÓ▓éÓ▓¼Ó▓íÓ│ìÓ▓ñÓ▓┐ Ó▓¬Ó│ìÓ▓░Ó▓«Ó▓¥Ó▓ú Ó▓¬Ó▓ñÓ│ìÓ▓░
- General Enquiries/Ó▓©Ó▓¥Ó▓«Ó▓¥Ó▓¿Ó│ìÓ▓» Ó▓ÁÓ▓┐Ó▓ÜÓ▓¥Ó▓░Ó▓úÓ│å
- Do's & Don'ts/Ó▓«Ó▓¥Ó▓íÓ▓¼Ó│çÓ▓òÓ▓¥Ó▓ªÓ│üÓ▓ªÓ│ü Ó▓«Ó▓ñÓ│ìÓ▓ñÓ│ü Ó▓«Ó▓¥Ó▓íÓ▓¼Ó▓¥Ó▓░Ó▓ªÓ│ü
- DA circulars from ROP 2010 onwards/2010Ó▓░Ó▓┐Ó▓éÓ▓ª Ó▓íÓ▓┐Ó▓Ä Ó▓©Ó│üÓ▓ñÓ│ìÓ▓ñÓ│ïÓ▓▓Ó│åÓ▓ùÓ▓│Ó│ü
Members of AIS are authorized HBA based on sanction order and relevant certificates from the competent authority.
No authorization from this office is required for drawal of MCA and Computer Advance (for AIS as well as other Gazetted officers).
However, officers on foreign service will be authorized to draw MCA/Computer Advance based on sanction, subject to the condition that the foreign employer has no funds to meet these advances or the organisation does not provide such benefits. The Government servant concerned should ensure recovery towards the advances regularly.