Sl.No. Title Date of Order Document Full Url
91 Office order regarding Renaming of the O/o the Principal Accountant General (General & Social Sector Audit) Madhya Pradesh, Gwalior as O/o the Principal Accountant General (Audit-I) Madhya Pradesh, Gwalior 26-Oct-2020 - -
92 Promotion order of Sh. Atul Kumar Verma in officiating capacity to the post of AAO (Civil) 26-Oct-2020 - -
93 Reconstitution of the SC/ST Committee to resolve the complaints of the officers/employees belonging to SC/ST tribe. 26-Oct-2020 - -
94 Completion of Probation period of Sh. Dharmendra Singh Tomar in the entry grade of Staff Car Driver (Ordinary Grade) 26-Oct-2020 - -
95 Completion of Probation period of Sh. Harsh Sachanandani Sanjay and Sh. Ravi Kumar in the entry grade of Auditor (Sports Quota) 26-Oct-2020 - -
96 Completion of Probation period of Sh. Girish Kumar Sharma in the entry grade of Auditor 26-Oct-2020 - -
97 Office order regarding Fully Functional of O/o the Principal Accountant General (G&SSA),MP, Gwalior w.e.f 19-05-2020 26-Oct-2020 - -
98 Extension of the deputation period of Sh. Vijay Kumar, Sr. Auditor 26-Oct-2020 - -
99 Withdrawal of the office order No. Admin-11/Gr.4/Dele. of Power/F-22/o.o/02 dated 11.05.2020 26-Oct-2020 - -
100 List of Auditors/Auditors who are posted in different sections/Group. 26-Oct-2020 - -
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