Sl.No. Title Date of Order Document Full Url
101 Extension for the Deputation period of Smt. Nisha Yadav, Sr. Auditor 26-Oct-2020 - -
102 Instructions to be followed by all Officers/Officials before going on Leave. 26-Oct-2020 - -
103 Posting order of Sr. Audit Officers and Assistant Audit Officers 26-Oct-2020 - -
104 Office order regarding Revised delegation of powers conferred under Rule 13(3) of DFPR, 1978 in respect of this office. 26-Oct-2020 - -
105 Office order regarding submition of application by those Officers/Employees who are holding an elective office in any body 26-Oct-2020 - -
106 Invitation for Choosing one time option to be covered under the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 (with HQ's email) 26-Oct-2020 - -
107 Invitation for Choosing one time option to be covered under the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 26-Oct-2020 - -
108 Conditions/Instructions to be followed while reopening all sections of the Controlling of Audit Bhawan, Jhansi Road, Gwalior 26-Oct-2020 - -
109 Joining order of Sh. Arun Kumar, Sr. Auditor to the post of Assistant Audit Officer (Comm) 21-Oct-2020 - -
110 Correction of name in the official records of Smt. Laxmi, MTS 21-Oct-2020 - -
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