Sl.No. Title Date of Order Document Full Url
51 The gazette of India regarding Amendments in Audit and Accounts regulations 2020 26-Oct-2020 - -
52 Office order regarding period of Absence during Lockdown of all officials 26-Oct-2020 - -
53 Extension in Deputation period of Sh. Gaurav Sharma, Auditor 26-Oct-2020 - -
54 Extension in Deputation period of Sh. Rajat Soni, Sr. Auditor 26-Oct-2020 - -
55 Extension in Deputation period of Sh. Arvind Kumar Dubey, Sr.Auditor 26-Oct-2020 - -
56 Extension in Deputation period of Sh. Praveen Kumar, AAO and Sh. Sunny Devashish, AAO 26-Oct-2020 - -
57 Transfer order of Sh. Bipat Singh Uikey, AAO 26-Oct-2020 - -
58 Order regarding Completetion of Probation period of Smt. Archana Manav in the cadre of Steno grade II 26-Oct-2020 - -
59 Order regarding Completetion of Probation period of Smt. Kirti Pathak in the cadre of Clerk 26-Oct-2020 - -
60 Posting and Office allocation of Sh. Atul Kumar Verma, AAO 26-Oct-2020 - -
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