Gazetted Entitlement
About GE Functions
Increment Certificate
History of Services
General Enquiries
IPS Civil List
IAS Civil List
IFS Civil List
DO's and Don'ts for Newly Recruited Gazetted Personnel
DO's and Don'ts for Gazetted Officers
DO's and Don'ts for Gazetted Personnel on Deputation
DO's and Don'ts for Newly Recruited Gazetted Personnel on Deputation
DA Circulars from ROP 2010 Onwards
The annual increment of the Government servant falls twice in a year i.e either 1st January or 1 July. While fixing the pay, the date of next increment is mentioned in the payslip itself. No fresh payslip is issued when the increment accrues to the Government servant. The Controlling officer/DDO prepares the pay bills based on the date of next increment mentioned in the payslip. However, in case of officers of All India Service, incremental payslips are issued by this office.